OFTEC Scheme Committee
We already have an OFTEC Scheme Committee (OSC), which is responsible for the impartiality and integrity of the registration schemes, and two registered businesses are members of that committee. One business holds Competent Person Scheme (CPS) registration in liquid fuel and the other holds MCS registration in the renewable sector. We plan to set up a new technician committee which will offer ideas and feedback to the two OSC representatives, who will communicate the outcomes to the main scheme committee regularly on your behalf..
The requirements of membership of the new technician committee are yet to be fully decided but will be based upon:
• Holding OFTEC registration throughout your term.
• Being willing to attend regular online meetings via Teams (these will be coordinated conveniently).
• Representing the views of all fellow technicians, not just serving your own agenda.
• Agreeing to sign a confidentiality agreement.
We would like to have at least one technician representative from England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland and Channel Islands. If interest is high, more than one from each region can participate, but participation will be capped at two from each region. The chair and vice-chair of the technician committee will get a seat on the main OFTEC scheme committee.
Our plan is for the technician committee to meet for the first time early 2024 so, if you have an interest in participating, please contact Adrian Lightwood alightwood@oftec.org detailing your registration number.