
OFTEC technician forum

One of our objectives this year was to hold a forum for registered technicians so they could give us direct feedback on OFTEC’s training and registration schemes. Outcomes will then be fed into the OFTEC Scheme Committee (Impartiality Committee) to recommend improvements or change.

OFTEC technician forum

The forum was held online during March and was attended by five registered technicians, one regional inspector and OFTEC staff. To ensure not one voice was dominant we tried to get a mix of technicians who carry out a wide range of work in liquid fuel, solid fuel and renewable technologies and from different regions.

Making up this group was:

  • Simon from Yorkshire, who combines working on the tools with being a part-time trainer.
  • Adrian from Scotland, who works on liquid fuel and is also MCS registered for heat pumps.
  • Phil from Essex, who has been a registered . . .

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