Insight 6


Boilers – are two or more better than one?

Although a single appliance is the most frequently chosen option, large dwellings or commercial premises often benefit from having two or more smaller appliances.


Women in the heating industry – why aren’t there more?

Of more than 9,000 OFTEC registered technicians, fewer than 30 are female. Perhaps some readers will be surprised it’s even that many, whilst others will feel, like OFTEC, that the number should be much higher. Particularly given the shortage of skilled heating engineers, it’s perhaps disappointing that more women haven’t seen the many potential advantages of this career choice – especially those that are not inspired by the thought of office work!


New report questions the effectiveness of renewables in rural areas

With the government offering incentives including the Green Deal and the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI), many existing oil users may be tempted to replace their existing installations with renewable technology. However, a new report commissioned by OFTEC has questioned the technical and financial benefits of switching from oil to biomass, heat pumps and solar thermal.