
HVO success in Jersey

In 2022, the Government of Jersey agreed a carbon neutral roadmap, which outlines plans for it to become carbon neutral by 2030 and achieve net zero by 2050. Reducing emissions from heating systems is a key pillar and with over 21,000 fossil fuel boilers, there’s significant scope to reduce emissions.

Rubis Channel Islands has been taking steps to reduce carbon emissions from boilers, by recommending renewable heating oil solutions

Action is needed quickly if the targets are to be met. To support the Government, Rubis Channel Islands has been taking steps to reduce carbon emissions from boilers, by recommending renewable heating oil solutions for oil-heated households and businesses in the Channel Islands.

EcoHeat100 is a Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO). Rubis believes if a customer wants to be carbon neutral, they should have a choice between energy providers and not have to spend thousands of pounds on a new heating system. EcoHeat100 enables customers to switch fuel rather than their entire system.

Rubis has been converting businesses and customers to use this renewable heating oil and has switched over 40 customers in the Channel Islands.

Unlike in other parts of the UK, where renewable electricity generation is expanding, the Channel Islands imports its electricity from France. As all energy needs to be imported, fuels like HVO compete on an even footing.

Rubis believes the solution to transition heating oil customers is here now. Fuels like HVO work well in all existing oil-fired heating systems following a simple, cost-effective conversion process.

The simplicity of this approach is already winning approval with customers. It’s a simple message that should resonate in other parts of the UK too: if you want to make progress with heat decarbonisation, offer options that are cheap and easy to adopt!