
Use of fire boards

Many technicians are turning to the use of fire boards to protect external fuel storage tanks, and in many cases, a single sheet of material is being used.

Fire boards

Tanks must be protected from the effects of potential fires. Regional building regulations and British Standards 5410 Parts 1 and 2 state that if a tank cannot be sited the prescribed distance from any hazards, the tank should be protected in one of the following ways:

• construct a suitably sized fire-resistant wall/barrier between the tank and the hazard; or

• if the prescribed distance to a legal boundary cannot be achieved, make the boundary wall fire resistant; and/or

• if the prescribed distance to a non-fire rated building/building opening cannot be achieved, make building walls imperforate (no openings) with suitable fire resistance to internal fire.

The degree of fire resistance needed and the minimum . . .

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