Case Study

Making the conversion

An old church located in Perthshire has undergone a complete renovation to transform it into a home.

Grant case study

Andy Smith, National Sales Manager at Grant UK, explains how the installation of an HVO-compatible boiler has provided the homeowner with an efficient heating system today, which is ready to convert to a low carbon liquid fuel in the future.

In 2023, a church near the banks of Loch Tummel in Highland Perthshire began transformation from a place of worship to a beautiful home. The church had kept its traditional features – pews and a pulpit, large stained-glass windows and pitched pine floorboards.

But as is typical with so many churches, it had no heating system. This meant a major part of the renovation was to design and install a suitable central heating system that would meet the heating demand of this unique building.

Building type and insulation

The . . .

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