The partnership will be delivering a Grassroots Community Sustainability Programme to ten local primary schools, raising awareness about sustainability and the changes we can make to be more environmentally friendly.
Reducing carbon emissions is front of mind for many, and both Bath Rugby and Grant UK have been transforming their own day-to-day operations. Bath Rugby is making significant progress in reducing the amount of plastic used at the Rec and Farleigh House, and Grant UK has launched its Project Zero carbon reduction programme.
As its official Grassroots Partner, Grant UK also wants to support Bath Rugby Club to raise sustainability awareness in the local community and schools.
Through their Grassroots Community Sustainability Programme, Bath Rugby and Swindon-headquartered Grant UK will be hosting sessions at ten schools local to Bath and Swindon delivering a combination of classroom-based and rugby-based activities. With an overarching theme of Kick the Carbon, through an hour of classroom learning followed by an hour of physical activities the sessions will raise awareness of climate change and show schoolchildren how we can work together to lower carbon emissions.
Leading by example
“Here at Grant UK, we are striving to not only provide our customers with low carbon, renewable solutions to heat their homes with, but we are also working incredibly hard to become a more sustainable business throughout our operations,” comments Anna Wakefield, head of marketing at Grant UK.
“Part of this involves supporting our local community with developing their understanding of sustainability and the changes they can make to be more environmentally friendly, whether that be recycling more, improving our home insulation or investing in low carbon technologies within the home.
“As the Official Sustainability and Grassroots Partner of Bath Rugby, we are looking forward to rolling out our Kick the Carbon campaign into local schools, educating the next generation about the importance of reducing our impact on the environment and making small changes which will make a big difference in the future.
“The Kick the Carbon Grassroots Community Sustainability Programme will combine fun-filled activities with key learning objectives which we hope will be both enjoyable and educational for local schoolchildren.”
Bringing the next generation through
Head of business development at Bath Rugby, Tom Giles, comments: “At a time when we’re all trying to make more eco-conscious decisions in our day to day lives, bringing Grant UK on board as both our Sustainability Partner and our Grassroots Partner will allow us to teach the next generation the importance of sustainability.
“Our Grassroots Team at the Club delivers some of the most premium rugby coaching in the south west region, so to be able to now add an extra element with the help from Grant UK only bolsters the offering from the Club. We have a strong and long-standing relationship with Grant UK and myself and my team are very much looking forward to continuing this partnership for seasons to come.”
For further information about Kick the Carbon Grassroots Community Sustainability Programme, please contact schools@bathrugby.com or visit www.grantuk.com/kickthecarbon.