The first webinar in the series was specifically designed for Irish OFTEC technicians and focused on government rules and regulations, HVO deployment and the future of Irish heating, along with much more.
The second webinar covered HVO and the future of off-grid heating. The webinar featured an in-depth discussion about the current state of HVO in the UK, the Future Ready Fuel campaign and the current heat policy landscape in Westminster, following Labour’s election win, and the situation in Scotland and Wales.
A different approach
For the last webinar in the series, we took a different approach, hosting a Facebook Live event on the OFTEC technician forum where technicians were invited to ‘ask us anything’. We covered a range of questions and further Facebook Live events, and webinars, are planned for the new year, so look out for details.
The first two webinars are still available to view through the OFTEC portal, an exclusive benefit for OFTEC registered technicians.