Churnet Valley Railway runs on the former North Staffordshire Railway line which, during the late 19th and early 20th Century, brought thousands of visitors to ...
You may have seen an article in the Summer 2021 edition where we introduced an exciting trial we have been involved in across Hampshire and West ...
The importance of identifying the correct appliance efficiencies
Navien has unveiled its new ‘Navi-Van’ – a brand new display and mobile training vehicle.
Wouldn’t it be easier to show OFTEC’s technical team what you’re seeing, rather than trying to explain it on the phone?
Grant’s HVO biofuel compatible Grant Vortex condensing boiler has been awarded ‘Best Renewable Energy Product’ at the SEAI Energy Show 2022.
Firebird has helped The Stoke-on-Trent Foodbank to continue its invaluable work.
We need your help to get a fair outcome for off-grid homes, businesses – and the heating industry
OFTEC technical notice addresses red diesel reform