
Collaboration in Ireland

The dictionary states that collaboration is ‘the situation of two or more people working together to create or achieve the same thing’.

Grant DEAI

What has that to do with liquid fuel I hear you ask?

Well, in Ireland, we have three organisations who all have an interest in liquid fuels; OFTEC, UKIFDA and Fuels for Ireland.

Rather than the three groups all doing their own thing, we agreed to come together and establish TAZCH, the acronym stands for “The Alliance for Zero Carbon Heating.”

Under this name we have lobbied successfully on behalf of the liquid fuel sector, culminating in both Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael referencing HVO and sustainable biofuels in the manifestos of both parties.

Fast forward to the Programme for Government and we now see in black and white;

• Target older homes still using oil to switch to renewable heating . . .

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