
The people have voted – but what does it mean for the heating industry?

The General Election, on 4th July, transformed the UK’s political landscape. Before the election, of the 100 constituencies with the most oil heating, 99 were held by the Conservatives.

The people have voted

Now, they only hold 42, and the party’s MPs no longer have influence over the decisions that affect our industry. That means much of OFTEC’s lobbying work must be refocussed.

What are the implications of the new Government for our industry?

The first thing to say is that the timing of the election was unhelpful to us; had the election been held later in the year our recent positive work, aimed at getting the consultation on a renewable liquid fuel obligation launched, may have reached fruition.

Labour’s manifesto and recent public statements give little away on what we should expect. There was no mention of off-grid heating, although a specific commitment not to force people . . .

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