What tends to be missing from the press coverage of the Government’s annual air pollution data is any explanation of the detail behind the headlines. Because of this you are often left with the sense that all wood burning stoves are inherently bad.
Part of the reason is the use of the term’“wood burning stoves’ – something that can be seen across many mainstream media outlets. The reason this term is problematic is because it is reductive and, while it is very effective at reinforcing a negative narrative around domestic wood burning, it fails to properly reflect the facts within the data.
As reported by the Stove Industry Association (SIA) earlier this year, the latest NAEI data set shows that in 2022 (a record year for stove sales) the total PM2.5 emissions from “domestic combustion” fell by 4% compared to the previous year, and that PM2.5 emissions from domestic wood combustion, specifically, fell by 2.7% – facts ignored by the media.
The reason for this omission may be partly due to the way the NAEI data is presented. Within this summary, the heading ‘domestic combustion’ is used to cover all combustion activities at home which, as well as the burning of solid fuel in a fireplace setting, also includes the use of gas, oil and LPG boilers, gas cookers, and the outdoor use of coal and charcoal.
Solid fuel categories
As is so often the case, it is the detail that paints the clearest picture and, the NAEI data tables are not short on detail. In fact, when we look closely the category usually referred to as ‘wood burning stoves’, we can see that this is an amalgamation of no less than 28 different data sets (see table).
To make informed choices on how we heat our homes and gain a better understanding of how modern stoves are helping to drive down emissions, we need to look at the detail in these categories.
Firstly, it shows us that there was a huge difference between the PM2.5 emissions produced by an open fire compared to an Ecodesign closed stove in 2022; the former being responsible for 13.3% of total UK PM2.5 emissions, while the latter accounts for just 1.8%.
Secondly, it reveals that the type of fuel we choose to burn has a significant impact on emissions. When looking at wood fuel only, open fires account for 9.8% of total UK PM2.5 emissions and Ecodesign stoves a much lower 1.4%.
Furthermore, the data also shows the impact that dry wood fuel has on reducing emissions, bringing the figures above down to 1.8% of total UK PM2.5 from open fires and just 0.3% from Ecodesign compliant stove models.
By choosing a modern, Ecodesign stove and only burning dry (at or below 20% moisture content) wood fuel, PM2.5 emissions are minimal.
By way of further context, the NAEI data also shows us that:
- Road transport PM2.5 emissions were 66.7 times higher than Ecodesign stoves burning dry wood in 2022.
- Cigarette smoking caused 4.7 times the amount of PM2.5 as Ecodesign stoves burning dry wood.
- Small scale waste burning produces 22.7 times the level of PM2.5 emissions as Ecodesign stoves burning dry wood.
- The PM2.5 emissions created on bonfire night are 7.4 times higher than Ecodesign stoves burning dry wood.
Ecodesign stoves burning dry wood compared to other localised PM2.5 emission sources 2022 (shown in ktonnes PM2.5 per source)

Data Source: https://naei.beis.gov.uk/resources/PivotTableViewer_2024_Submission_AQ_v1.xlsx
For those working in the solid fuel heating sector, the data from the NAEI presents a clear message. To reduce emissions and improve air quality,
it’s essential to adopt a best practice approach by recommending to customers the latest stove technology and use of the best quality dried wood fuel.
The Stove Industry Association is the only UK trade association representing all links in the stove industry supply chain.
SIA offers membership options for manufacturers, distributors, retailers, solid fuel appliance and chimney system installers, chimney sweeps and industry bodies, and by signing up you will be playing your part in helping to protect and grow the UK stove industry.
To find out more visit https://stoveindustryassociation.org/become-a-member-of-the-sia/
Image credit: NAEI, AdobeStock