
Solid fuel heating and air quality – why the detailed data matters

The Stove Industry Association takes a closer look at the important detail within the annual National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (NAEI) data, and what it tells us about the opportunities to further reduce emissions from domestic combustion.

Solid fuel

What tends to be missing from the press coverage of the Government’s annual air pollution data is any explanation of the detail behind the headlines. Because of this you are often left with the sense that all wood burning stoves are inherently bad.

Part of the reason is the use of the term’“wood burning stoves’ – something that can be seen across many mainstream media outlets. The reason this term is problematic is because it is reductive and, while it is very effective at reinforcing a negative narrative around domestic wood burning, it fails to properly reflect the facts within the data.

As reported by the Stove Industry Association (SIA) earlier this . . .

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