
Decommissioning and removal of liquid fuel storage tanks

Decarbonising buildings off-the-gas grid will require a range of solutions, including renewable liquid fuels and heat pumps.

Decommissioning and removing fuel storage tanks

However, this transition throws up some important practical challenges, including the safe disposal of many thousands of plastic and steel fuel storage tanks that have either been replaced or become redundant.

Decommissioning and removing existing fuel storage tanks poses a serious pollution risk, so such work needs to be very carefully planned and executed.


Tanks that are decommissioned should always be removed by a business registered as a tank installer with a Competent Person Scheme (CPS), as they will have appropriate knowledge for the task. Others are unlikely to have a working knowledge of relevant legislation and safe working practices.

Prior to work commencing, contractors should as a minimum:

  • complete a ‘risk assessment’ and ‘method statement’.
  • wear appropriate PPE.
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