
Can Northern Ireland lead the way for sustainable liquid fuels?

Every region of the UK needs to substantially reduce its carbon emissions to ensure our 2050 net zero target is achieved. In Northern Ireland energy policy is devolved and OFTEC believes the ‘mood music’ is positive towards sustainable biofuels for heating.

David Blevings

Currently, 526,000 homes in the region use liquid fuels for heating and, while the UK Government’s current ambition is to transition most homes from fossil fuel boilers to heat pumps, in Northern Ireland this will not be feasible anytime soon.

Why do we say this? Well, for several reasons. At a recent meeting of the Northern Ireland Affairs Select Committee at Westminster, we heard from representatives of the electrical sector that it could take ‘decades’ to upgrade the infrastructure.

Furthermore, government acknowledges that to provide the ‘Green Power’ for the increasing adoption of electric vehicles, and to start to decarbonise the heating for homes and places . . .

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