
Air pollution falls as solid fuel stove sales hit all time high

Andy Genovese of Hove Wood Burners explains why air pollution from solid fuel stoves has dropped over the last few years.

Andy Genovese

Since January 2022, all new solid fuel stoves sold in the UK must be certificated in order to be Ecodesign compliant. This EU standard, adopted by our government, raised base level efficiency of stoves to 75% and set limits on four significant air pollutants.

Of these four, particulate matter, which is produced from several sources, e.g. road transport, combustion, industrial processes and domestic combustion (including emissions from solid fuel stoves and open fires), has been of significant concern.

Compared to 1990 levels, pollutants have decreased by over 40% and this can be attributed to a number of factors. Various surveys and fact- finding endeavours point to the popularity of wood burning over coal, smokeless and anthracite. The establishment of Woodsure (a quality assurance scheme for firewood) and . . .

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