It was a conversation with Richard Gales, then CEO at OFTEC, which led to Oil Installer’s first issue in August 2007.
Having been editor of Fuel Oil News magazine since June 2002, I was very familiar with kerosene and the oil tank industry but there was still much to learn…
Fortunately for me the industry quickly demonstrated its willingness to engage with Oil Installer by educating and informing me about all aspects of the oil heating and cooking industry for which I was very grateful.
An industry proud of its oil roots and keen to celebrate its excellence and achievements, that first issue showcased the industry’s longevity with news of Preston-based tank company J Seed marking its 50th anniversary.
It was always a pleasure to hear from readers, many of whom were keen to contribute to the very popular Gallery pages, and to chat with boiler, tank and equipment manufacturers about the latest industry initiatives and innovations.
I was particularly struck by the industry’s commitment, professionalism and dedication – even in those very early days, I met several oil installers who were looking to the future by offering renewables alongside their traditional oil.
Whilst we negotiated the industry’s ups and downs over the past 13 years, it was a real pleasure to get to know many members of the OFTEC team.
With Oil Installer now in the capable hands of my colleagues Liz Boardman and Peter Clayton, I send my very best wishes to everyone working in this industry.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the 51 issues of Oil Installer which I have very much enjoyed editing. Your knowledge, stories, oil wisdom, news and views have all helped make Oil Installer the well-rounded magazine that we have today.
All her colleagues at A&D Publishing and at OFTEC thank Jane for her hard work, commitment and professionalism during the past 13 years and wish her a long, happy and well-deserved retirement.