When asked ‘what kind of relationship with the EU would best meet the needs of your business?’, 39% responded that ‘joining the European Free Trade Area and European Economic Area allows for participation in the EU’s single market’. In terms of alternative options – a “surprising” 22% were in favour of a commonwealth market.
When asked ‘if you would like the government to negotiate opt-outs from further integration’ regarding: Financial issues (33%), Deregulation (40%), Environmental issues (7%), Employment issues (21%). At 51%, members felt that controls on EU migration would not restrict their recruitment plans for skilled workers.
Fifty BSRIA members completed the survey, which ran for a fortnight from Monday 7th March 2016. 78% of respondents’ headquarters are located in the UK with 8% based in USA and Canada.
Julia Evans, chief executive, BSRIA, said: “We would like to thank BSRIA members, thus representing the construction industry, for taking the time to complete this important survey. Indeed, this gives the industry some kind of indicator of what might happen on 23rd June. The survey will enable BSRIA to understand its members’ views on reform of the EU and the UK’s future relationship with the EU. Above all, two issues are paramount. The ability for industry to trade easily and quickly across all EU member states and the ability to find skilled staff. In essence, on both counts, to be able to plan for the future.”