
Oil boilers – big uptake in Northern Ireland

4 Oil boilers - big uptake squared
Strong response from Irish householders to the government’s £12million Boiler Replacement Scheme introduced last September, has been welcomed by OFTEC.

Figures from the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, which is managing the grant scheme on behalf of the Department of Social Development, show that 3,600 new boilers have been fitted since the scheme was introduced over nine months ago.

Over 80% of those installed are new condensing oil boilers, which reduce energy costs and improve energy efficiency for oil householders.

David Blevings, Ireland manager of OFTEC said: “The boiler replacement scheme is an excellent initiative and it’s good news local householders are beginning to reap the benefits. Here, 68% of homes use heating oil as their primary heating source but over 80% are being heated by older, inefficient boilers. The response has been very positive among oil users with 2,961 new oil condensing boilers so far fitted under the scheme. These boilers improve energy efficiency by up to 18% and that can mean an annual saving of up to £300 on your oil bill every year thereafter.”

“While the response has been good so far, we estimate there are still circa 400,000 homes with oil boilers over 15 years old. But it’s important to act quickly if householders think they might qualify – the scheme operates on a first come, first served basis.”